When most developers think of PHP, they typically associate it with server-side web development. However, PHP is much more than just a web-based scripting language. With its capabilities to handle command-line scripting, PHP can be an invaluable tool for automating tasks, processing data, and running scripts directly in the terminal. In this guide, we'll explore how to effectively use PHP for command-line scripting, with examples based on the latest version of PHP (as of 2024, PHP 8.3).

Why Use PHP for Command Line Scripting?

PHP's versatility makes it ideal for command-line applications in several scenarios:

  • Familiarity: If you're already a PHP developer, using it for command-line scripts reduces the learning curve compared to adopting a new language like Python or Bash.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: PHP runs on multiple operating systems, including Linux, macOS, and Windows.
  • Powerful Extensions: PHP provides access to a rich library of built-in functions and third-party extensions, allowing you to write scripts for a variety of use cases, such as file processing, database interaction, and API calls.
  • Rapid Prototyping: PHP allows for quick development and testing, especially if you’re working within an environment where PHP is already installed and configured.

Setting Up PHP for Command-Line Use

To run PHP scripts from the command line, you first need to ensure that PHP is installed on your machine. You can verify this by running the following command in your terminal:

php -v


If PHP is installed, you’ll see output displaying the installed version. Ensure you’re using a recent version (PHP 8.3 or newer) to leverage the latest features and performance improvements.

To execute a PHP script via the command line, simply use:

php script.php


Here, script.php is the file containing your PHP script.

Writing Your First PHP Command-Line Script

Let’s start with a simple “Hello, World!” script to see how PHP works in the CLI environment. Create a new file named hello.php:

#!/usr/bin/env php
echo "Hello, World!\n";



  • The #!/usr/bin/env php shebang ensures that the script is executed using the PHP interpreter on Unix-like systems.
  • <?php starts the PHP code block.
  • echo outputs text to the console, and \n adds a newline for clean formatting in the terminal.

Make the script executable:

chmod +x hello.php


Now you can run the script directly:



Reading Command-Line Arguments

PHP allows you to pass arguments to scripts using the special $argv array. The first element ($argv[0]) is always the script’s name, and subsequent elements are the passed arguments.

For example, let’s create a script that accepts a user’s name as an argument and greets them.

#!/usr/bin/env php
if ($argc < 2) {
    echo "Usage: php greet.php <name>\n";

$name = $argv[1];
echo "Hello, $name!\n";



  • $argc is the argument count. It tells how many arguments were passed, including the script name.
  • $argv contains the arguments passed to the script, with $argv[1] representing the first argument after the script name.


Run the script as follows:

php greet.php John



Hello, John!


Interacting with Standard Input and Output

PHP also supports reading from and writing to the standard input (stdin) and output (stdout), allowing it to handle streams effectively.

Example: A PHP Calculator Using Input

Let’s build a simple command-line calculator that reads input from the user.

#!/usr/bin/env php
echo "Enter the first number: ";
$firstNumber = trim(fgets(STDIN));

echo "Enter the second number: ";
$secondNumber = trim(fgets(STDIN));

echo "Enter the operator (+, -, *, /): ";
$operator = trim(fgets(STDIN));

switch ($operator) {
    case '+':
        $result = $firstNumber + $secondNumber;
    case '-':
        $result = $firstNumber - $secondNumber;
    case '*':
        $result = $firstNumber * $secondNumber;
    case '/':
        if ($secondNumber == 0) {
            echo "Error: Division by zero is not allowed.\n";
        $result = $firstNumber / $secondNumber;
        echo "Invalid operator.\n";

echo "Result: $firstNumber $operator $secondNumber = $result\n";



  • fgets(STDIN) reads input from the standard input (the keyboard). We use trim() to remove any extra whitespace, including the newline character.
  • A switch statement is used to determine the appropriate mathematical operation.
  • Error handling is implemented for division by zero.

Run the script:

php calculator.php


Sample interaction:

Enter the first number: 10
Enter the second number: 5
Enter the operator (+, -, *, /): +
Result: 10 + 5 = 15


Handling Exit Codes

When writing command-line scripts, exit codes are essential for signaling the outcome of a script to the operating system. A script that finishes successfully should return 0, while a failure scenario should return a non-zero value.

#!/usr/bin/env php
echo "Running some process...\n";

// Simulate success or failure
$success = true;

if ($success) {
    echo "Process completed successfully.\n";
} else {
    echo "Process failed.\n";


Exit codes can be checked by using the echo $? command in the terminal after running the script:

php script.php
echo $?


If the process succeeds, $? will return 0; otherwise, it will return 1 (or another custom value).

Using External Libraries in CLI Scripts

Modern PHP includes Composer, a dependency management tool that simplifies the process of adding external libraries. You can use Composer to install and manage libraries even for CLI scripts.

For instance, let’s say you want to use the popular Guzzle library for making HTTP requests in your command-line scripts. Here’s how you can set it up:

Initialize Composer in your project:

composer init


Install the Guzzle HTTP client:

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle


Use the library in your CLI script:

#!/usr/bin/env php
require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use GuzzleHttp\Client;

$client = new Client();
$response = $client->request('GET', 'https://api.github.com');

echo $response->getBody();


By utilizing Composer and libraries like Guzzle, you can extend the capabilities of your PHP CLI scripts beyond basic functionality.


PHP's flexibility extends far beyond the realm of web development, offering robust functionality for command-line scripting. Whether you're processing files, interacting with APIs, or automating system tasks, PHP's command-line interface provides a powerful and familiar environment for seasoned PHP developers. By taking advantage of the latest PHP features, error handling, and external libraries, you can develop efficient and effective command-line applications.

As PHP continues to evolve, its command-line capabilities will only become more powerful and refined, making it a strong choice for many scripting needs.

Category : #php

Tags : #php , #programming

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