PHP is an essential language for web development, but even experienced developers can make mistakes that affect code quality, performance, and security. As PHP continues to evolve with new features, it’s important to adopt best practices that prevent common pitfalls and leverage modern capabilities. This blog covers common PHP mistakes and how to avoid them using PHP 8+ syntax, including return types, nullsafe operators, improved constructors, and proper handling of empty() and isset().


Not Using Strict Types

One of the most frequent mistakes in PHP development is failing to enable strict types. Without strict typing, PHP automatically converts values between different types, potentially leading to unexpected behavior and hard-to-diagnose bugs.

Example Without Strict Typing:


function multiply($a, $b) {
    return $a * $b;

echo multiply("5", 10);  // Outputs 50, but "5" is a string.


In this case, PHP converts the string "5" to an integer, which may seem fine here but can cause issues in larger applications where type consistency is critical.

How to Avoid:

Enable strict typing to enforce type consistency across your functions. This ensures that only the correct types are passed and returned, leading to fewer bugs.

Solution with Strict Typing:



function multiply(int $a, int $b): int {
    return $a * $b;

echo multiply(5, 10);  // Outputs 50
// echo multiply("5", 10);  // Throws a TypeError

With strict_types=1, PHP will now throw an error if an incorrect type is passed.


Not Using Return Types

Failing to declare return types is another common mistake, leading to unpredictable behavior, especially in large applications where functions might return different types of values.

Example Without Return Type:


function getUserId() {
    return "42";  // This is a string, but we expected an integer.


This can cause issues in code that expects the return value to be an integer.

How to Avoid:

Always declare return types to make sure your functions return consistent with the expected values.

Solution with Return Type:



function getUserId(): int {
    return 42;

This guarantees that the function will always return an integer, ensuring more predictable behavior.


SQL Injection Vulnerabilities

A major security risk in PHP is not properly handling user inputs in SQL queries, leaving your application vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.

Example of Vulnerable Code:


$username = $_GET['username'];
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '$username'";
$result = $pdo->query($sql);

In this case, a malicious user can inject SQL commands through the username parameter, potentially gaining unauthorized access to the database.


How to Avoid:

Use prepared statements with PDO to safely handle user input.

Solution with Prepared Statements:



function getUserByUsername(PDO $pdo, string $username): ?array {
    $stmt = $pdo->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = :username');
    $stmt->execute(['username' => $username]);
    return $stmt->fetch() ?: null;

Prepared statements ensure that user input is safely escaped, preventing SQL injection.


Improper Error Handling

Using simple die() or echo statements for error handling provide little information and make debugging difficult.

Example of Poor Error Handling:


$pdo = new PDO($dsn);
if (!$pdo) {
    die("Database connection failed!");

This approach doesn’t provide sufficient context about the error.


How to Avoid:

Use proper exceptions and logging for better error handling.

Solution with Proper Error Handling:



function connectToDatabase(string $dsn, string $username, string $password): PDO {
    try {
        return new PDO($dsn, $username, $password, [
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        throw new RuntimeException('Database connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());

try {
    $pdo = connectToDatabase($dsn, 'root', 'password');
} catch (RuntimeException $e) {
    echo "Could not connect to the database. Please try again later.";

This approach provides more meaningful error messages and logs, helping with debugging.


Not Using Namespaces

In larger projects, name collisions between classes and functions are common, especially when using third-party libraries. Failing to use namespaces can cause conflicts and confusion.

Example Without Namespaces:


class User {
    // Code...

class User {
    // Another class with the same name but in a different file

This would cause a fatal error due to the redeclaration of the User class.

How to Avoid:

Use namespaces to organize your code and avoid name collisions.

Solution with Namespaces:


namespace App\Models;

class User {
    // Code...

namespace App\Controllers;

class User {
    // Another class named User but in a different namespace

Namespaces allow multiple classes with the same name to coexist without conflicts.


Not Using Nullsafe Operator

Before PHP 8, handling null values in method chains could lead to multiple isset() or null checks, cluttering your code. Failing to handle null values properly can lead to null reference errors.

Problematic Code Without Nullsafe Operator:


$user = getUser();

if ($user && $user->getProfile() && $user->getProfile()->getAddress()) {
    echo $user->getProfile()->getAddress()->city;

This code requires multiple checks to avoid errors.

How to Avoid:

PHP 8 introduced the nullsafe operator (?->), which simplifies the checking of null values in method chains.

Solution with Nullsafe Operator:



$user = getUser();

echo $user?->getProfile()?->getAddress()?->city;

The nullsafe operator checks for null at each step and returns null if any part of the chain is null, avoiding errors and improving code readability.


Constructor Property Promotion

In earlier PHP versions, class constructors required a lot of boilerplate code to define and assign properties. Many developers write repetitive code that clutters the class and increases the chances of mistakes.

Example Without Constructor Property Promotion:


class User {
    private string $name;
    private string $email;

    public function __construct(string $name, string $email) {
        $this->name = $name;
        $this->email = $email;


How to Avoid:

PHP 8 introduced constructor property promotion, which simplifies class constructors by reducing repetitive code.

Solution with Constructor Property Promotion:



class User {

    public function __construct(private string $name, private string $email) {}


This reduces the constructor's complexity while maintaining the same functionality.


Misusing empty() and isset()

Misunderstanding the difference between empty() and isset() often leads to bugs in the code. These functions behave differently and should be used in the right context.

empty() Example:


$var = 0;
if (empty($var)) {
    echo "This is empty";  // Outputs: This is empty


The empty() function checks if a variable is falsy (0, "", null, etc.), but it may give unexpected results if you're trying to check only for null values.

isset() Example:


$var = 0;

if (isset($var)) {
    echo "This is set";  // Outputs: This is set


The isset() function checks whether a variable is set and not null, which may lead to unexpected behavior if you're checking for empty values.

How to Avoid:

Understand the difference between empty() and isset(). Use empty() to check for falsy values, and isset() to check if a variable exists and is not null.



Avoiding common PHP mistakes is crucial for writing clean, secure, and maintainable code. By adopting modern practices such as strict typing, return types, nullsafe operators, and constructor property promotion, you can significantly reduce bugs in your codebase. Leveraging PHP 8+ features like the nullsafe operator and constructor improvements also helps you write more concise and readable code.

In addition, correctly using empty() and isset() prevents logical errors in your applications. Always use the latest PHP features and best practices to ensure your applications are robust, secure, and easy to maintain over time.

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