PHP 8 introduced a host of powerful features that have made development faster, safer, and more efficient. One of these game-changing features is the Nullsafe Operator (?->), which streamlines handling of null values in a more readable and elegant way. This feature is particularly useful when working with complex object chains where some properties or methods could potentially return null.

In this blog post, we will take a deep dive into how the nullsafe operator works, its benefits, and provide some practical examples that demonstrate its usefulness.

What is the Nullsafe Operator?

The Nullsafe operator is a shorthand way to avoid null reference errors while accessing object properties or methods. Before PHP 8, we had to use nested conditional checks (or the isset() function) to ensure that a particular object wasn’t null before calling methods or accessing properties on it.

Problem Without Nullsafe Operator:

// Checking for null before accessing a property
if ($user !== null) {
    if ($user->address !== null) {
        $city = $user->address->city;


In the above code, you have to check if $user and $user->address are not null before you can safely access $user->address->city. This type of nested checking can clutter your code and make it harder to read and maintain.

PHP 8 solves this problem with the nullsafe operator.

Solution With Nullsafe Operator:

// With the nullsafe operator
$city = $user?->address?->city;


In this case, if either $user or $user->address is null, the expression will safely return null without throwing an error. This makes the code more concise and readable.

How the Nullsafe Operator Works

The nullsafe operator works similarly to the existing object operator (->), but with a built-in check for null. When PHP encounters the ?-> operator, it first checks if the object on the left-hand side is null. If it is, PHP will immediately return null and skip any further method calls or property access on the right-hand side.

This operator can be particularly useful when chaining method calls or accessing deeply nested properties, where any part of the chain might potentially be null.

Example 1: Basic Nullsafe Operator

class Address {
    public string $city;

class User {
    public ?Address $address = null;

// Create a new user object
$user = new User();

// Access the city using the nullsafe operator
$city = $user?->address?->city;

var_dump($city); // Outputs: NULL


In this example, since $user->address is null, the $city the variable will also be null without causing any errors.

Chaining Methods with the Nullsafe Operator

The nullsafe operator can be particularly powerful when used with method chaining. For example, if you have an object that returns another object, but either of them could be null, the nullsafe operator simplifies the checking logic.

Example 2: Method Chaining

class User {
    public ?Address $address;

    public function getAddress(): ?Address {
        return $this->address;

class Address {
    public function getCity(): ?string {
        return 'New York';

// Create a new user object with null address
$user = new User();

// Attempt to get the city name
$city = $user?->getAddress()?->getCity();

var_dump($city); // Outputs: NULL


Here, if getAddress() returns null, the entire expression evaluates to null. Otherwise, it will call getCity() and return the city name. This makes the code easier to read and maintain by eliminating manual null checks.

Nullsafe Operator with Arrays and Dynamic Properties

The nullsafe operator can also be useful when working with arrays of objects or dynamic properties that could potentially be null.

Example 3: Nullsafe Operator in Arrays

class Order {
    public ?string $orderNumber;

    public function __construct(?string $orderNumber) {
        $this->orderNumber = $orderNumber;

// Array of orders, some with null order numbers
$orders = [
    new Order('123'),
    new Order(null),
    new Order('456')

// Safely access the order number
foreach ($orders as $order) {
    echo $order?->orderNumber ?? 'No order number';
    echo "\n";


In this example, if the orderNumber is null, the nullsafe operator allows us to safely access it and use the null coalescing operator (??) to provide a default value when the order number is missing.

Comparison with Traditional Null Checks

Before PHP 8, handling null values often required long-winded null checks. Let’s compare a scenario with and without the nullsafe operator to highlight its advantages.

Example 4: Before PHP 8 (Traditional Null Check)

if ($user !== null && $user->getAddress() !== null && $user->getAddress()->getCity() !== null) {
    $city = $user->getAddress()->getCity();
} else {
    $city = null;


Example 5: After PHP 8 (Nullsafe Operator)

$city = $user?->getAddress()?->getCity();


The nullsafe operator reduces multiple lines of null checks to a single, clean line of code.

Key Benefits of Using the Nullsafe Operator

  • Cleaner Code: The nullsafe operator makes code more concise and readable, eliminating the need for multiple if statements or functions like isset() or is_null().

  • Improved Safety: The operator inherently prevents null reference exceptions by returning null safely if an object in the chain is null, reducing runtime errors.

  • Chaining-Friendly: Complex method or property chains become simpler and more maintainable with the nullsafe operator.

  • Reduces Boilerplate: Developers can focus on business logic instead of constantly handling potential null values.


The PHP 8 nullsafe operator is a welcome addition to the language, simplifying the way developers handle null values in complex object chains. It reduces boilerplate code, makes code easier to read, and reduces the risk of null reference errors.

By using the nullsafe operator, you can focus more on the logic of your application, without worrying about manual null checks in every step of your method or property chains. Its ability to elegantly handle nested null checks is bound to improve code quality and developer productivity.

Have you already started using the nullsafe operator in your PHP 8 projects? Let us know in the comments below!

Category : #php

Tags : #php , #programming

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