PHP generators are a powerful feature introduced in PHP 5.5, but with the advent of PHP 8.x, they have become even more useful for handling large datasets, optimizing memory usage, and writing efficient, cleaner code. Unlike typical functions that return a single result and then terminate, generators allow functions to yield multiple values, one at a time, while maintaining their state between each yield.

In this blog, we’ll dive deep into PHP generators, understand how they work, and learn how to use them efficiently in modern PHP (PHP 8.x) syntax. We’ll also discuss the benefits of generators and provide practical examples with function return types.

What Are PHP Generators?

A generator in PHP is a special type of iterator that allows you to iterate over a series of values without creating and storing them all in memory at once. Instead of returning a full collection, generators use the yield keyword to return a value each time they are iterated over. The execution of the generator function can be paused and resumed, making them ideal for working with large datasets or streaming data.

A key advantage of generators is lazy execution. This means that the generator doesn’t compute the next value until it’s requested, which results in lower memory consumption and improved performance.

Benefits of Using PHP Generators

  • Efficient Memory Usage: Generators do not require the entire dataset to be loaded into memory, making them perfect for processing large data streams.

  • Lazy Execution: Generators yield values as needed, rather than computing everything upfront, which improves efficiency in handling large loops or operations.

  • Simplified Code: Generators provide a simple way to create iterators without needing to implement the full Iterator interface, reducing boilerplate code.

  • Performance Boost: Since generators are executed lazily, they can boost performance for tasks that require multiple passes through large collections of data.


How Do Generators Work?

In a typical function, the return statement is used to return a single result, and once that happens, the function’s execution ends. In contrast, a generator can yield multiple results over time. The state of the function is preserved between calls, allowing you to iterate over the yielded values one by one.

Here’s a basic syntax of how a generator works:

function generatorFunction(): Generator
    yield 1;
    yield 2;
    yield 3;

Each yield statement in this example returns a value, but unlike return, the function doesn’t terminate after each yield. Instead, the execution is paused, and when the generator is called again, it resumes from where it left off.

Using Generators in Modern PHP (PHP 8.x)

Let’s start by creating a simple example where a generator produces a sequence of numbers.

Basic Example: A Number Sequence Generator

Here’s a generator function that yields numbers from 1 to 5:

function numberSequence(int $start, int $end): Generator
    for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
        yield $i;

// Usage
$numbers = numberSequence(1, 5);

foreach ($numbers as $number) {
    echo $number . PHP_EOL;  // Output: 1 2 3 4 5



  • The generator function numberSequence takes two arguments: the start and end of the sequence.
  • It uses a for loop to yield numbers from the $start to $end.
  • Each time the generator yields a value, the state of the function is preserved, allowing the loop to resume on the next iteration.


Generator with Key-Value Pairs

Generators also allow you to yield key-value pairs, just like associative arrays:

function keyValuePairs(): Generator
    yield 'a' => 'Apple';
    yield 'b' => 'Banana';
    yield 'c' => 'Cherry';

// Usage
$pairs = keyValuePairs();

foreach ($pairs as $key => $value) {
    echo "$key => $value" . PHP_EOL;  // Output: a => Apple, b => Banana, c => Cherry


Generator with Complex Data

Generators can also work with more complex data types, such as objects. Here’s an example using an object as the yielded value:

class Product
    public function __construct(public string $name, public float $price) {}

function getProducts(): Generator
    yield new Product('Laptop', 999.99);
    yield new Product('Smartphone', 499.99);
    yield new Product('Tablet', 299.99);

// Usage
$products = getProducts();

foreach ($products as $product) {
    echo "Product: {$product->name}, Price: \${$product->price}" . PHP_EOL;
// Output:
// Product: Laptop, Price: $999.99
// Product: Smartphone, Price: $499.99
// Product: Tablet, Price: $299.99


Using return in Generators

In addition to yielding values, generators can also return a final value when all the values have been yielded. In PHP 7 and 8, you can capture the returned value from a generator using the getReturn() method.

function numberSequenceWithReturn(int $start, int $end): Generator
    for ($i = $start; $i <= $end; $i++) {
        yield $i;
    return "Finished generating numbers!";

// Usage
$generator = numberSequenceWithReturn(1, 3);

foreach ($generator as $number) {
    echo $number . PHP_EOL;  // Output: 1 2 3

echo $generator->getReturn();  // Output: Finished generating numbers!


Generators with Delegation (yield from)

A generator can delegate part of its output to another generator or iterable using the yield from syntax. This is especially useful when you want to combine multiple sequences.

function subGenerator1(): Generator
    yield 'a';
    yield 'b';

function subGenerator2(): Generator
    yield 'x';
    yield 'y';

function combinedGenerator(): Generator
    yield from subGenerator1();
    yield from subGenerator2();

// Usage
$combined = combinedGenerator();

foreach ($combined as $value) {
    echo $value . PHP_EOL;  // Output: a b x y

In this example, the combinedGenerator delegates the yielding process to subGenerator1() and subGenerator2(), allowing them to yield their respective values in sequence.


When to Use PHP Generators

Generators are particularly useful in scenarios where you have to process or iterate over large data sets or perform tasks where memory consumption is a concern.

  • Large Datasets: If you’re reading from large files or databases and don’t want to load everything into memory at once, generators are a perfect fit.
  • Streaming Data: When handling streamed data, such as processing logs, reading APIs, or even handling WebSocket messages, generators provide a clean, memory-efficient way to work with the data in real-time.
  • Infinite Sequences: Generators can produce infinite sequences, as they don’t store data in memory. This is useful when dealing with infinite or very large sequences (e.g., calculating Fibonacci numbers or generating prime numbers).



PHP generators are a powerful tool for optimizing memory usage and handling large data sets efficiently. With the lazy execution model and ability to yield values one at a time, generators provide a flexible and easy-to-use alternative to traditional iterators or loops.

In modern PHP (PHP 8.x+), generators have become even more essential, helping developers write cleaner and more efficient code. Whether you’re processing large files, streaming data, or generating complex sequences, generators offer a versatile way to tackle these challenges without overburdening your server’s memory.

If you’re looking for an efficient, memory-friendly way to handle iterative processes in your PHP applications, now is the perfect time to start using generators!

Category : #php

Tags : #php , #programming

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